
Sheep Fleece – Use For Horses

If you’ve ever wondered how to reduce the mud in your horse’s paddock or gateway, but want to be environmentally friendly, or save yourself a few pounds, then sheep fleece may be just the thing you’ve been looking for.

Sheep fleece can be used as a membrane under stone to provide a mud free area for your horses. Boggy gateways can be a thing of the past with a little time and effort. Sheep fleece is more environmentally friendly than using tonnes of hardcore and synthetic terram, and significantly less expensive.

Sheep fleece is free draining and useful when trying to combat muddy areas in a field or gateway. If you’re thinking about trying sheep fleece, read on to see how it worked for me.

Why Use Sheep Fleece

Sheep fleece can be used instead of a membrane and/or as part of a natural pathway to and from the field. The price of fleece has fallen dramatically in recent years owing to the reduction in the production of woollen carpets and pure wool clothing. Therefore it has become more financially viable for horse owners to use. Add this to the obvious environmental benefits and the use of sheep fleece is almost a no-brainer.

If you’re looking to reduce muddy gateways fleece could be the answer, especially if you don’t have access to stone or don’t wish to put anything permanent in place. The so-called lasagna method using layers of sheep fleece and bracken/branches/foliage has many advocates.

starting to lay the fleece – straight onto the earth

How To Source Sheep Fleece

A search on FB will often bring results. There are now even groups solely for those who wish to buy/sell sheep fleece in the UK. Failing putting a wanted ad on social media, eBay and preloved, you may consider trying to approach farmers individually.

How Much Do I Need?

Each fleece size will vary, so there is no fixed amount. The fleeces I was lucky enough to use were approximately 1msq. One Dacia boot-full was enough to cover 2 x 10ft shelters and a 12ftx10ft tie-up area, about 30 fleeces.

Do be aware though if you travel your fleece in this manner – it does whiff quite a lot….

30 unwashed sheep fleeces!

Does Sheep Fleece Rot?

Sheep fleece is a natural, biodegradable material. As such it will eventually decompose. The length of time this takes will depend upon individual soil conditions.

How Long Will Sheep Fleece Last?

Sheep fleece can last several years before needing to be relaid. If the land is particularly wet and used regularly by multiple horses you may find that this time is reduced.

Time will also be altered depending upon what is placed on top of the fleece. I topped the sheep fleece I used with stone and a layer of removable rubber matting. This has lasted for over 2 years in my stable and tie-up.

shelter before…muddy mess
with fleece and stone, before compaction
Tie up area progression

Tie-up area afterwards

What Can I Put On Top Of Fleece?

Putting stone on top of fleece is the longest lasting method. If stone is not a possibility, using a layer of sheep fleece with branches on top, and repeated will do a similar job.

I used sheep fleece both inside my ponies shelters and also in their tie-up area. The fleece was laid and then covered with a layer of clean 40mm down limestone. This was then compacted with a whacker plate giving a firm and stable base. In order to extend it’s life in the shelter the fleece was then covered in a thin roll of rubber matting before bedding was put down.

The tie-up area had the same treatment, but the rubber mat was only put down in the centre where the ponies would actually be standing. Whilst the grass has grown through at the sides, it still remains solid and free draining with no mud.

Can I Use Sheep Fleece With Shod Horses?

If using stone as a topper then fleece with shod horses should not be a problem. If using branches and foliage it is necessary to make this layer deep enough that the fleece won’t move through and up to the surface. Whilst fleece will tear if caught, you don’t really want all your hard work undone with fleece and branches strewn around the paddock or track.


If you don’t have or aren’t able to obtain planning permission or large loads of hardcore and stone, then using sheep fleece to lessen the mud in gateways could be the ideal compromise. With it’s free-draining properties and welcoming price tag, sheep fleece could start to become the ‘norm’ as knowledge of its versatility becomes widespread.

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